Traditional Tribal dance costumes turnout to have gained more importance in the current days. They are no more just an identity; they have become a bridge joining people with the uniqueness of their heritage.

Tribal dance costumes are as different as the people who wear them. Tribal dress has played and still plays an important symbolic role in the preservation of ethnic values and cultural heritage and in the creation of a feeling of unity among the people. Tribal costume on the one hand defines the identity of a tribal society and on the other expresses the relationship between an individual and the society.

A dance costume may be custom designed for use in a specific dance or it may have a traditional design, such as those used in some ceremonial and occasion specific tribal dances. Typically, dance costumes are designed to harmonize with the dance and not hinder the movements of the dancer. The colour, texture and pattern, construction and accessories of tribal dance costumes are unique in many aspects and different from the mainstream.

Costume is a symbol of the group and not of its wearer's personality, which under pressure may be forced to conform to the communal spirit. One can easily distinguish tribal identity from their typical dance costume. Their dance costume conveys the message of the dance, the values and facets of the indigenous society. For most tribal dance institutions, costumes have a decorative function, and are used to guarantee a good show. The materials used and the functionality of the outfit provide myriad clues in understanding the culture which one finds oneself immersed in. Typical costumes are formed and exist in certain geographic and economic circumstances and are continually evolving within different traditions.

Dance Costumes to Tribes

Districtwise targets
